The Car Wash Story


It's true! It is actually impossible to drive a car for weeks in Washington State and avoid the car wash. It's called rain...rain...rain... with the possibility of more rain.

But in the beautiful PNW, an unheard of phenomenon has occurred: We received a dry spell of 50+ days: clear skies and bright lights! The photos (iPhone 4) below capture the pops of colors at my local car wash. Discover this fun for yourself at your local car wash.
 A big thank you for the guys who work in the car wash! Their hard work and friendly attitudes are always appreciated by a someone who does not want to hand wash their car. I also need a few hand signals to help me line up on the straight and narrow. I think the deeper underlying problem here is my hesitation to enter a deep and dark tunnel with my own peculiar type of claustrophbia. (More about this below.)

An American Journey

 Follow me through the car wash.
Slowly rolling through the cascades of water.

Color Riot!
    At last, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
Have you guessed my secret by now? I have fought it all my life. I have to "get a grip" and force myself  to relax and let my car travel through the tunnel. I'm trapped!  Claustrophobic. That's me. These pictures are the first time I have let my guard down and concentrated on something besides the tunnel.  But, oh, that light at the end of the tunnel! Thrilling every time!
 And I'm out of here!  :)


Anonymous said…
Great sequence,
I like it pls leave it in place.

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